Saturday, March 22, 2014

Konfigurasi Access Control List di Cisco (part 1)

Ok.  Posting kali ini membahas mengenai ACL. Ini saya anggap masih mudah, namun perlu logika yang tepat. Harus pintar-pintar berkhayal. :). ACL (Access Control List) adalah  firewall pada Router/switch Cisco untuk mem-filter (men-deny atau meng-allow) packet yang masuk ataupun keluar. Biasanya sih kita cukup menyebutnya "access list" saja.
Untuk mensimulasikan access list ini, kita ambil konfigurasi sebelumnya, yang menggunakan routing EIGRP, kemudian ditambahkan sebuah switch dan 2 buah komputer, di sisi Router R-JKT-44. Gambar networknya seperti di bawah ini.

network simulasi acl

Saturday, March 08, 2014

My Mikrotik Configuration (part 3)

Step 3. Queue, Graph and more options settings.
Firewall in Mikrotik

 And the last step is rules for management bandwidth and more options settings. Many people misunderstood the purpose of bandwidth management. Bandwidth management is not the goal speed up internet connection. Or making all client have the same speed. But the goal is the bandwidth can be shared in fairness to all the clients. Fairness, that's the key. Not always fairness means all client have speed / bandwidth same. Fairness could also mean that important connections to the user will be enlarged bandwidth compared to other users.  Or essential service port will be enlarged bandwidth compared to other service ports.

Friday, March 07, 2014

My Mikrotik Configuration (part 2)

Setup username and password
user set 0 name=ngeri password=ngeri group=full
user add name=user01 password=password group: read

Don’t use default user admin. Look at what I have done. I change the default user to be other user name. Don't forget to setup the password. It will make your mikrotik more secure.
Firewall in Mikrotik

Setup Firewall.
by grouping IP networks will make it easier to configure the firewall later.
  • IP-LAN, IP addresses for Lan.
  • Full-trust, IP Public can be fully trusted. Admin can remotely the Mikrotik.
  • half-trust, IP public that are not fully trusted, Sometimes, This IP address can be used by admins to remotely the Mikrotik.
  • Local-untrust, IP address that is not trusted.

My Mikrotik Configuration (part 1)

This is my  Mikrotik configuration  that I have done some days ago. The network design is like image below.

network design

Note :
  • Mikrotik, have 2 interface. IP WAN (Public) : 1xx.9x.xx.xx/27 and the IP LAN: & And the version of mikrotik is 5.20 version, level 6
  • Hub or switch unmanageable.
  • Cacti : for making graph of network traffic. IP :
  • Cisco, actually is router, but there is no NAT (Network Address Translation). So the function of Cisco is like just a bridge. IP &
  • Users, there are many users, get IP address from Cisco, (DHCP).