Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Fix PhpMyPrepaid 0.4.rc3

 Phpmyprepaid in fedora
This is story of my experiment, when install phpmyprepaid 0.4.rc3, on fedora 18. And another "friends" who been installed, were FreeRADIUS version: 2.2, Chillispot version: 1.1, Mysql Server version: 5.5.30. and Apache/2.4.4 (Fedora). It was very difficult to install. A lot of errors that I got. Probably, phpmyprepaid is too old, has long been abandoned, and no support with new things.
let's see list error, so if you find the error again, you know how to fix that…

Friday, April 12, 2013

a little review of Fedora 18

Fedora logo
This is a little review of fedora 18, when I install phpmyprepaid as hotspot billing system in fedora 18. Of course, I consider this interesting and important to build a server.

#yum repolist

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Easyhotspot in Centos 6.4 + CoovaChilli 1.3.0

In this section, I explain how to modify easyhotspot by adding coovachilli, in Centos 6.4. Usually, installing coovachilli can fix the problem of EasyHotspot login failed which sometimes happens. Before you continue reading this post, look at section easyhotspot with centos 6.4, in this blog. I assume you have been through 2 stages, (1)install apache, php, mysql, and (2) install web easyhotspot.

Install Freeradius 2.1.12.
Actually the same as before in easyhotspot with centos 6.4 section, just a few different configurations. I explain it all so as not to confuse.
yum install freeradius freeradius-mysql freeradius-utils
chkconfig --level 235 radiusd on

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easyhotspot in Centos 6.4

Actually a lot of to discuss about making this hotspot. But I see it is not discussed fully. And mostly use Ubuntu. I will explain how to make easyhotspot in centos 6.4, based on my experiment.
I divide it into 4 parts, to make it more easily understood.
  1. Install Apache, PHP and Mysql.
  2. Install Web Easyhotspot.
  3. Install Freeradius 2.1.12.
  4. Install Chillispot. 
 1.         Install Apache, PHP and Mysql.
I assume the PC is installed with centos 6.4. In my experiments, centos installed in a minimalist package. Configure the network interface. (Watch carefully, I use 2 lan card, which happened to be detected as eth1 and eth2. Eth1 to use static ip, and the ip dhcp eth2. So please do adjustments IP address, in accordance with the conditions in your network, I know you can do it).
 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1