Showing posts with label WINDOWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WINDOWS. Show all posts

Saturday, May 17, 2014

MalwareBytes, Antivirus Alternatif Terbaik

MalwareBytes termasuk anti malware atau anti-virus alternatif yang terbaik. Mungkin protes para pengguna antivirus ini, “kok disebut antivirus alternatif ??”.
Alternatif disini maksudnya, karena masih banyak orang yang belum tau tentang anti virus ini. Kebanyakan mereka tahunya antivirus yang mahal (tidak perlu saya sebutkan disini… ntar ke-geer-an yang punya product). Padahal untuk urusan memproteksi komputer, MalwareBytes tidak kalah dibandingkan dengan anti virus lainnya. Kelebihan lainnya, file installanya kecil, ringan dan gratis.
Ini adalah sekelumit cerita saya ketika berkenalan dengan si MalwareBytes. Awal kisah dimulai dari TE…KA…PE… :).
Beberapa hari yang lalu, laptop saya mendapatkan pesan aneh, alias error. Ini dia errornya…
There was a problem starting
The specified module could not be found.
error mdi064 dll

Dapat pesan aneh begini, sudah langsung curiga, “dapat oleh-oleh virus dah ini”. Ternyata betul, setelah diselidiki lebih jauh, error RunDLL mdi064.dll ini adalah malware. Sebelum lanjut, mungkin ada yang bertanya apaan itu malware ? Apa bedanya sama virus ?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Konfigurasi Modem ZyXel Sebagai Bridge.

Kejadian ini terjadi beberapa hari yang lalu, saat memperbaiki network user. Konfigurasi network si user, kira-kira seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Network User Menggunakan VDSL

Ada alat punyanya user, yang disebut VDSL, rusak. Tepatnya, nama lengkap alat ini adalah Ethernet over VDSL2 Converter merk planet VC-201A. Biasanya sih ketika saya menjelaskan ke orang awam (maksudnya biar mudah dimengerti men…) alat ini saya sebut, konverter dari lan ke kabel telepon. Karena memang jaringan yang menuju ke arah users, hanya ada kabel telepon (Drop Wire). Maka agar bisa network Lan bisa connect ke internet, dipasanglah converter ini.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Materi Latihan Networking (part 2)

Latihan 4.
Membuat kabel UTP(Unshield Twisted Pair)
Dewasa ini kebanyakan kartu jaringan memakai kabel UTP(Unshiled Twisted Pair). Kita bisa menghubungkan dua komputer dengan kable UTP juga tetapi susunan kabelnya agak berbeda daripada susunan biasa. Biasanya komputer yang memakai kabel UTP dihubungkan dengan hub. Kabel biasa ini disebut UTP direct cable. Dan Kabel yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua komputer langsung atau antar hub disebut UTP cross cable.

Bagaimana caranya membuat UTP direct cable ?
  1. Buka bungkus plastik kabel UTP kurang lebih 3 cm..
  2. Menyusun kabel di dalamnya sesuai dengan susunan sebagai berikut.

Materi Latihan Networking (part 1)

Ini adalah materi lama, berupa latihan mengenai network / jaringan. Materi ini sumber original by Mr. Kim. Memang materi lama, menggunakan windows 98 SE, namun tidak ada salahnya untuk dicoba,  setidak-tidaknya menambah ilmu buat anda yang senang dengan networking. Ada 6 buah latihan yaitu
  1. Install Windows 98 Second Edition
  2. Direct cable connection.
  3. Pasang dan konfigurasi kartu jaringan (Network card)
  4. Membuat kabel UTP(Unshield Twisted Pair)
  5. Konfigurasi Peer-to-Peer Network di Windows
  6. Sharing Printer dan Pakai printer di jaringan

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Easiest Way to Install YFI Hotspot Manager

YFI hotspot manager in windows

Many questions, how to install YFI Hotspot Manager in Windows? But YFI Hotspot Manager based Linux. That means the people who ask that’s question, are lazy, and want to finish quickly but do not want to bother to work. How can a wife be satisfied if you do fast finish??. just kidding. Hahahaha...
Ok. I provide the easiest way to install YFI Hotspot Manager, for those of you who do not like to tweaks Linux. Can’t use Linux, or maybe, don't like the Linux operating system. Only a few steps, you will get a hotspot billing system using YFI Hotspot Manager, and can be used immediately. You don't need to sign in Ubuntu Linux. This is good for you, who don't know how to use Linux. Just need 2 application software.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

How to Fix Problems in Cacti

no graph display in cacti

No graph display, SNMP agent is not installed
This has been discussed in previous posts, and see also how to install SNMP Agent in previous post,

Error    : Can't find file: 'poller_output'
Graph display does not appear, besides the lack of SNMP Agent, it could be due to a full hard drive. Check disk space by using the command

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

How to Install SNMP Agent

SNMP in network
There are a lot of questions, "why Cacti that has been installed in my Windows, not working ?", why no graph display?. The reason is you do not have the SNMP agent in each device that you want to monitor. This is the explanation, it's not details but I hope it makes you understand.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Easiest Way to Install Cacti on Windows

This is the easiest way to install cacti-0.8.8a in windows. Just install file cacti installer for Windows, then cacti and all the needed files will be installed automatically. Thank you who has made the cacti installer.
cacti installer windows

Below a complete description of the cacti installer. I quote from the cacti forum.

I've put together an all-inclusive Windows installer for Cacti. It's been tested on Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista/7.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Ubuntu Server as Domain Member Server

network domain server and member server
I have created a network like the picture above, a simulation, using VMWare 9.0, because of the limitations of the equipment. It would be nice if you could use in the real network. I assume you are already familiar with using linux and windows, including windows server 2008. And the network you created, has met the following conditions:
  •   a windows server 2008 R2,
·         LAN IP,, hostname (DC name) = SERVER-AD-01.NGERI.CO.ID
·         domain: NGERI.CO.ID,
·         DNS is running well
·         More options, DHCP is already running.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Edit The Password Policy on Windows Server 2008 R2

How to edit the password policy on Windows Server 2008 R2 with Active Directory

When setting up a new Windows Server 2008 server either with or without Active Directory you will discover that it has a rather strong policy for passwords.  If you are setting this up at home or in a small business environment and don't want to deal with the complex passwords that are required to meet the policy guidelines, you can edit the policy to disable the complexity requirements.  You can try going to a command prompt and typing 'gpedit.msc' then navigating to Computer Settings\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Account Policies\Password Policy\ section.
Here you will see the 'Password must meet complexity requirements' item.  When viewing the properties of it, usually the Enabled/Disabled radio buttons will be grayed out and you cannot change the values.  If they are able to be changed, go ahead and do it, and save out of the dialog boxes.  If it is grayed out and you cannot change it here, this is how you do it:

    Go to a command prompt

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Forward IP Public Speedy

Forward IP Publik Speedy, tujuannya adalah untuk memudahkan dalam melakukan monitoring computer dari manapun secara remote, syaratnya, pastinya harus terhubung dengan koneksi internet. Ini contoh configurasi di modem warnet "tetangga" agar bisa selalu termonitor.

1. Login ke modem ADSL.

TP-link status

Di bagian status modem ADSL, sudah terlihat IP Public yang didapatkan, catat IP Public itu baik-baik. karena IP Public ini yang akan diakses dari internet.
Bisa juga untuk mengetahui IP Public kita dengan browsing ke situs